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Important Notification For Seafarers from UT-STC

Important Notification For Seafarers from UT-STC

Dear UT-STC seafarer,

In these unprecedented times, I kindly ask your full attention for the below information.

The year 2020, the year of mouse, has begun with a huge challenge for the whole world with the Covid-19 / Corona virus.

At this moment, as I am writing this letter, country after country is closing its border and is restricting (and even forbids !) all travelling to, from and even inside their borders.

Needless to say that this results in a huge, unprecedented and unimaginable impact on everybody and everything! Trade, travel, transport, schools, offices, hospitals, hotels, restaurants, shops, family, etc. the list is nearly endless. These are just the direct impacts; the long term impact on the economics, finance and social areas will be huge but nobody can predict this yet.

And of course the direct impact on shipping is huge. Forced by the closure of borders, airlines are forced to cancel their flights, or have to fly passengers straight back where they came from and in fact are struggling with the every minute changes in restrictions.

Most shipping companies in the world have thus no other option than to put a hold on their crew changes for at least a couple of weeks. This is applicable for all nationalities and all ranks all over the world.

This situation is of course very challenging for the affected crew members, for their family and for all crew, either on board or on leave at home. It will clearly add to frustration and stress levels, which is fully understandable.

With all these challenges facing us, I ask all of you for understanding, cooperation and most of all communication. Please keep us informed about any circumstances that need special support, advice or information from our side.

If you are on board your first line of contact is of course on board and via the common means but feel free to contact us anytime.

At this moment nobody has any realistic idea how the current situation will develop or when travel restrictions will be lifted. I therefore kindly ask all of you for your ongoing commitment in this respect and I sincerely hope that we will all be back to normal or at least to operational, soonest!

Best regards,

Martijn Hendriks

General Director UT-STC

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