The Dutch partner shared their experience in training and human resource on maritime and logistics personnel
[] Vietnam Traffic Safety Association has just coordinated with STC Group (the Netherlands) to hold the seminar “Global trends in Human Resource Training in Port, Logistics, Maritime and Maritime & Security “.
With 4 themes: Global trends in ports and logistics; revolution in maritime human resource education; current situation and solutions for human resource development in Logistics industry in Vietnam; Maritime security and Safety, the seminar provides an opportunity to share valuable experiences in international training of STC Group in the Netherlands to the Vietnamese universities, training organizations in field of Port, Logistics and Shipping.
STC Group, based in Rotterdam of the Netherlands, is a leading educational and research organization in the world in the maritime, logistics, transport and supply chain process industries. STC Group has been operating in Vietnam since 1993 and has completed many projects on inland water transport, training programs, joint venture, student supports, scholarships and labor contract programs, consulting to the companies and the Government agencies in the Netherlands focusing on Vietnam market development. By analyzing, programming, testing and optimizing databases based on Transport Chain Simulation® software, STC-Vietnam specialists developed various scenarios for STC-Group’s transport chain simulation to meet the training needs in manpower in inland transport, shipping, teaching activities and consulting services at its Training Centers and branches worldwide. The simulation scenarios are developed for human resource training at all levels: vocational training, college, intermediate, university, master, doctorate and other special situations on demand.
Ship-owners and shipping companies around the world are always in need of training their crew members working on-board in specific locations with certain duties. Many students and sailors have been trained to perform various duties on inland vessels from deck cadet to captains through the STC-Group simulation system. In order to meet the requirements of all the above courses, visual databases of thousands of kilometer of rivers and ports in Europe from the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium to Vietnam has been built.
In the coming time, STC Group is expected to continue to coordinate closely with Vietnam Traffic Safety Association to organize training and coaching activities to contribute to the development of the maritime industry of Vietnam.
by Anh Minh
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