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Welcome Consulate General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands & STC Group (Netherlands) to visit and work at TanCang-STC

Welcome Consulate General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands & STC Group (Netherlands) to visit and work at TanCang-STC

On May 31, 2022, Tan Cang-STC had the honor to welcome Mr. Daniel Stork- Consulate General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Vietnam to visit and work at the headquarters of Tan Cang-STC.

During the meeting, Tan Cang-STC also had the honor to welcome representatives from STC-Group (Netherlands): Mr. Albert Bos Director STC-International; Mr. Adson Hofman – Southeast Asia Regional Director; Mr. Martijn Hendriks- Director of UT-STC Maritime Development Co. Ltd.; Ms. Nguyen Thuy Thuy – Chief Representative of STC Group’s office in Vietnam.

The representatives introduced and discussed the activities of STC Group & Tancang-STC, the projects implemented in Vietnam, the cooperation between the Netherlands and Vietnam. Within the framework of the meeting, the representatives highly appreciated the working program at TC-STC and had a visit to Tan Cang-Cat Lai Port, one of the largest and most modern container ports in Vietnam. Concluding the meeting, Mr. Nguyen Thanh Nha-General Director of Tan Cang-STC made a conclusion about the operation orientation of TCSTC in the field of human resource development in Logistics & transportation in the future.

We trust in the coming time, with the support and help of STC-Group (Netherlands), Tan Cang-STC will have more meaningful action programs to contribute to the goal of providing quality of human resources for the local Logistics industry.

Source: TanCang-STC

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